Saturday, July 17, 2010

Old Time Relijun - Catharsis In Crisis

It took me  awhile, but this band has finally started to grow on me. When I was looking at bands from the Portland area to listen to while on our road trip, OTR was one that had a lot accolades. I am pretty sure that I would have loved this band 15 years ago when I was going through my John Spencer Blues Explosion faze. But these days,  my musical appetite has changed somewhat. I  have lost my teenage angst as one friend likes to tell me. 

But as I said, it's starting to grow on me, but I don't think the song I listed is quite in line with the rest of the album... well, it might, but I don't think it actually captures there musical talent the way songs like Garden of Pomegranates does.  

The music is a abstract punk nod to Mississippi delta-blues with the only constant of the band frontman Arrington de Dionyso's bizarre, spastic and scratchy vocals.

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