Sunday, July 18, 2010

Melvins - Houdini

How does one get back at a Jerk of a supervisor? How about starting a sludge metal band and naming it after your nemesis, forever ranking his place of Honor amongst world's worst bosses. Thus, cementing his name with dirtiness, like John for the commode or Peter for...well, you get the point. That's the story behind the naming of the Melvins.

Anyhow they aren't the Godfathers of Sludge for nothing. The music is slow, methodic,  and heavy with Dale Crover pounding his skins to oblivion. It's not for everyone, but there are a few of you who will dig on every riff, drum kick, and guttural stanza King Buzzo belts out.

On an interesting side note, the first bass player for the band was Lori Black, AKA "Lorax". She is the daughter of Shirley Temple.

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